Child Custody

There are several factors that the court must consider in determining which parent shall be designated as the primary residential custodian, among the primary factors are the best interest of the children and the continuity of their care.  The court also must protect the rights and interests of the alternate residential custodian.

Ms. Salinas is experienced in helping divorcing couples work together to establish the primary residential parent, the alternate residential parent, as well as visitation or parenting time for the non-custodial parent. Provisions for medical care, education costs, and child support payments are also important factors that should be determined..

In addition to handling issues related to the initial custody of children, she can handle issues involving change of custody, visitation, parental relocations, and the notice of parental relocations. When circumstances change over time, child custody arrangements may need to be changed to create the best situation for your children.

Any issue related to the custody of a child is emotionally and legally complex. Ms. Salinas will work closely with you to ensure you understand the issues that can affect the custody of children. She is committed to giving you a straight-forward advice on child custody matters.